Suomalainen Vaatelaastari -innovaatio palkittiin kahdella mantereella

Finnish Innovation FabPatch Honored on Two Continents 

FabPatch Ltd, a company recognized with multiple awards in Finland, has won the grand prize at the Scandinavian Outdoor Awards. The victory was announced in June at the Outdoor ISPO event in Munich. Almost simultaneously, SISKO Ltd, representing FabPatch repair products in Australia, received a Highly Commended recognition at the Naturally Good Awards in Sydney. 

Scandinavian Outdoor Award is a prestigious Nordic award for outdoor and camping gear. The international jury includes some of the most respected journalists, retailers, and bloggers in the field. The panel meticulously tests all nominated products in outdoor environments to select the best products based on functionality, quality, innovation, design, durability, and performance. 

FabPatch Oy was awarded as the Overall Winner of the Scandinavian Outdoor Awards. The company was particularly praised for its brand collaboration and transparency regarding sustainability. The jury tested the FABPATCH Textile Repair Kit, which includes merino wool patches among other materials. Designed for hikers and other adventurers, the product allows for effortless repair of clothes and gear, even in the field, as the patches are easily applied by rubbing. 

Naturally Good Awards is a competition held by Naturally Good Expo, Australia’s leading event for healthy lifestyles. The selections emphasize innovation, quality, and sustainability, highlighting brands that are pioneers and innovators in their field. The award jury consisted of leaders in responsible business practices. FabPatch products received an honorable mention in the Home and Lifestyle category. SISKO Ltd sells and distributes a customized FabPatch range for the Australian market. 

FabPatch™, known in Finland as Vaatelaastari®, is a unique rub-on repair innovation invented by Finnish mothers.  This highly customizable textile repair patch offers a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing solution for repairing clothes and other textiles. The FabPatch Ltd. is currently expanding internationally with the help of the Young Innovative Companies (NIY) funding granted by Business Finland. The company has been recognized for its innovations and commitment to sustainability. It has previously won awards such as the Sustainability Act of the Year and Design Deed of the Year, and earlier this year, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra listed FabPatch among 30 European pioneering companies working against biodiversity loss. 

”Just being reviewed by juries of esteemed experts is a valuable learning opportunity. The recognition we’ve received from international juries shows that a company and product focused on sustainable consumption and extending the lifespan of textiles have a place on the global stage!” rejoices FabPatch Ltd.’s CEO Taija Sailio. 

For more information 

CEO Taija Sailio, 0400 991003 

Director Of International Sales Karri Jalkanen, 0400 454099 

Scandinavian Outdoor Award 

Naturally Good Expo Naturally Good Awards 

Vaatelaastari,, FabPatch Australia