Availability in S Group stores:

The products are available at Prisma stores throughout the country as well as at the largest S-Market and Sale stores.



Privacy statement

This privacy statement provides information on our processing of personal data.

Updated on 26.4.2023.


FabPatch Oy (Business ID: 2934831-8)

Address: Kirkkokatu 17 B 15, FI-90100 Oulu, Finland


Collection, purpose and grounds for processing of data

We collect personal data from an individual in person, partly also using analytics, in connection with an order, agreement or cooperation, and online shopping. The grounds for processing are an agreement based on an order or cooperation, and possibly a legitimate interest based on customership or cooperation, such as customer communications or marketing. We acquire consent for processing separately where necessary, for example in the case of cookies. Discharging our statutory obligations also constitutes grounds for processing.

We use the data to serve our customers, to implement customer service, customer communications and marketing, for our cooperation and product development, to develop our operations, and for participation in surveys and competitions* in a manner separately notified where necessary. We shall request your prior consent and separately inform you of the processing and its grounds, as necessary at the time, if we collect your personal data for other purposes.

What information do we collect?

  • name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number
  • details of orders and payments, and delivery information
  • the undertaking and job title of an individual in the case of business customers and partners
  • messaging history, such as occasions of contact
  • consent to receive marketing communications in individual cases
  • responses to surveys and competitions* in individual cases
  • online shopping and browsing data, and terminal device identification data in accordance with our cookie policy**

Data recipients

We use trusted contractual partners, whose operations accommodate GDPR and other statutory requirements. Any transfer or disclosure of information is governed by the statutory security measures that are applicable at the time. In such cases, for example, an agreement on transfer or disclosure will be concluded in accordance with the standard contract clauses and other conditions established by the European Commission, or there will be other lawful grounds for the transfer, such as the preparation, filing or defence of a legal claim.

The other contact details that you provide at the time of ordering are used for delivering the order and associated communications. We use external suppliers for processing payments. We use various applications to provide additional online shopping services, for example in our marketing on social media channels. Digital marketing involves the use of cookies** and other resources. Some systems are installed locally for us, so that only our own staff can access information. Some systems are cloud services, in which case we transfer personal information to the service provider concerned. The service provider or IT supplier in such cases becomes a personal data processor that processes data in accordance with our assignment and instructions. We may in some cases be required to disclose personal information pursuant to statute or official regulation, for example as a consequence of an official request in the context of a criminal investigation or legal proceedings. We may also transfer and disclose information, for example at the time of a corporate transaction or acquisition.


Use of rights and erasing of data

You are entitled under applicable law to:

  • receive information concerning the processing of your personal information
  • access your information
  • correct errors in your information
  • delete the information and be forgotten
  • restrict processing of your information
  • transfer your information between systems
  • object to processing of your information
  • not be subject to automated decision-making

Please contact if you wish to change your registered e-mail address, obtain a copy of all information concerning you, check and correct this information, or erase it from our database. The exercise of rights may be subject to restrictions. We shall notify you if we are unable to discharge your individual request in any respect, such as by erasing information that we have a statutory duty or right to retain. Relevant factors in such circumstances include the grounds for processing your personal information. You are nevertheless always entitled, for example, to prohibit the use of your information for direct marketing purposes. We correct or erase any personal information in our records that is incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete, or outdated for the purpose of processing, either spontaneously or at your request and without undue delay, unless we have a duty to retain the information.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you believe that your personal information is not being processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 or with applicable legislation, and you are unable to resolve the matter through contact with us, you may lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in the EU Member State where you are domiciled or employed, or where you consider that the incident occurred. The supervisory authority in Finland is the Data Protection Ombudsman (Lintulahdenkuja 4, FI-00530 Helsinki, e-mail:

Data retention period

Our customer account management system retains your customer information for a default period of five (5) years since the account was last active. The system defines account activity as one of the following measures: a purchase from the online shop, logging into the account, communicating with us, or subscribing to a newsletter. The My Account -section of our online shop retains the personal information that you provided for as long as your user account remains active. If you subscribe to our newsletter, your contact information will be retained for as long as you wish to continue receiving the newsletter. Customer service information is processed for the time required to deal with the case, and for as long as the parties may file legal claims against one another. The contact details of entrants to individual marketing and campaign competitions are generally erased after the winner has been contacted and the prize has been delivered. The details of cooperation agreements are retained for the duration of cooperation under the agreement, and for as long as the parties may submit claims based on the agreement and a duty to retain the information remains, based on legislation or official practice. Further details are set out in our cookie policy**.

Data protection principles

We apply administrative, organisational, technical and physical safeguards to protect the personal data that we collect and process. Examples of necessary measures may include encryption, firewalls, secure premises and right-of-access systems. Our security controls are designed to maintain appropriate data confidentiality, integrity, availability, flexibility, and the ability to recover data. We regularly test services, systems and other assets. Staff access to personal data is also restricted, with necessity for discharging duties imposed as a condition of employee access to data and data processing.

Amendment of the privacy policy

Service developments and statutory amendments may require us to modify this privacy statement. Registered customers will be notified of significant modifications to the privacy statement when the terms and conditions are updated.

*Responses to surveys and competitions

Surveys and competitions (such as applications to a test group, product and service development surveys, and responses to competitions) seek to gather information in support of customer service, product development and marketing. The contact details of a respondent will only be requested if the customer wishes to be contacted, or if the contact information is needed for such purposes as delivering a prize or agreeing on participation in a test group. Contact details are retained only for a limited period not exceeding one year after the survey or competition ends. Responses may only be used for research, product development, training and marketing in ways that cannot result in identification of the respondent, unless the individual has given special permission for information to be published.


Our website uses cookies. You approve the use of cookies by selecting the ‘I accept cookies’ option. Cookies make our website easy to use, swift and user-friendly. Cookies are divided into subgroups: functional cookies, product development and business reporting, advertising reporting, and targeting of advertising. Certain third-party tools or plugins are essential for operating the service. Examples of such tools include social media or video services embedded in the website, or social media sharing and liking functionalities. Third-party plugins of this kind may also collect information on users of online services, for example in order to recommend content or monitor visitor numbers. You may choose to prevent your browser from using cookies, to delete stored cookies, or to notify you of any new cookies. Preventing the use of cookies or deleting them may disrupt some functions of our website. Page analytics (Google Analytics) forwards information to Google containing no unique identifiers. Google Analytics, the Google Ads tracking code and the Facebook pixel will only be loaded on the website if you accept the analytics and marketing cookies.


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